Sunday 6 April 2014

Pregnancy update 25-27 weeks

I haven't had much going on in the last few weeks in terms of scans or midwife appointments except being called in to see student midwives last week. 

They were all lovely and managed to answer a few questions I had, the main one being why I'm in so much pain all the time! Turns out I have SPD, I don't really know much about it yet but I've been referred to physio for it so I should find out more then. I've been told to rest as much as I can too..which is pretty much impossible when you have a toddler!

They were also sure I have an anterior placenta, everytime they tried to hear baby's heartbeat all they could hear was mine but with hers in the background. This would explain a lot as I've had a couple of occasions where midwives have panicked thinking her heart rate was slow, but then seemed to speed up. Looks like they've been picking up mine everytime! I had wondered why it kept happening at midwife appointments but never on the ECHOs at Great Ormond Street.

They also measured me, which I haven't had done as of yet and I'm bang on 27cms. I'm really pleased as I was told at a previous scan that she's measuring small. 

I'm still fitting in normal clothes and have put on 10lbs so far but I brought my first maternity wear item this week - some skinny jeans from Next, they are so comfortable!

I have my next scan this Wednesday at my normal hospital - The Royal London. I'm hoping they can tell me whether they will be inducing me before my due date and the plans for her birth as I like to be as prepared as I can be. 


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