Wednesday 22 October 2014

Immunology Appointment

Harper had an appointment with immunology at the Royal London Hospital yesterday to check if her spleen was working.

Babies with Heterotaxy are often born with no spleen or one that has split into two or more, both options mean the baby doesn't have a working immune system and would need to be on medication for life.

The consultant we saw told us that a scan had shown Harper had one spleen but it was an abnormal shape. He told us this was because it had tried to split at some point but hadn't. Blood tests showed that she has a good working immune system so is classed as having one working spleen.

This is such a relief and one less thing to have to worry about. We are off to Great Ormond Street today for a heart scan as they have brought her appointment for December forward to today as she has struggled with weight gain.

Keeping our fingers crossed it's more good news today xxx

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