Friday 23 May 2014

Pregnancy update 34 weeks

I've been a bit quiet over the last couple of weeks mainly because we've had so much going on and have had a bit of a rough time lately.

Joe's aunt sadly passed away and he'd also come down with a virus that meant he couldn't even make it to our final scan at GOSH so we've both been feeling pretty down.

I was also worrying about this scan as it's been a while since my last one and I know how quickly things can change. Luckily we were given some really good news which we are over the moon about so we are starting to get back to normal.

This appointment was much quicker than the scans before as the doctor spoke to me during the scan rather than take me into a seperate room after. He explained that sometimes with heart problems such as our baby's things can start to deteriorate before they are born but we are lucky and her heart and lungs seem to be working fine.

Because of this I don't need to be induced before my due date anymore and he is pretty confident that when she's born she will be able to come straight home once she's had some tests done. The doctor from GOSH doesn't even think he will need to see her after birth and is still sure she won't need an operation until she is at least 3 months old. 

We have been worrying that we will need to be really careful with baby as we know she will have a weak immune system so have turned down invites to weddings and christenings for the rest of this year but the doctor has reassured us that she will be fine and we can treat her as normal which is a big relief. 

We are back at GOSH on Tuesday for Teddy to have a scan done to make sure he is heart healthy. We don't think there will be anything wrong as I'm sure it would of been picked up before now but we'd rather have him checked over properly.

This week will be my last week at home before I move back in with my mum and we still have so much to do, lucky it's a bank holiday so Joe has an extra day off to help.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend :)


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