Monday 12 May 2014

Pregnancy update 33 weeks

I can't believe I'm 33 weeks pregnant already, only 4 weeks until I'm full term and she could be here anytime after that depending on my induction date.

I had my 33 week midwife appointment today which went really well. She was happy with my blood pressure and with baby's heart rate. I mentioned the headaches and she thinks this is down to stress and has advised me to rest as much as I can. She also couldn't believe how active the baby is, she didn't stop kicking and wriggling while she was examining me.

She told me that she's head down and seemed a bit shocked by how low down her head was. I'm not sure if this is a bad thing but she didn't say either way. 

I've been feeling really rough the past few days and today has been the worst. I can't get rid of my headaches and have woken up with one every morning for the past week, I think I'm coming down with something as I've felt quite sick today too. I'm hoping it doesn't last long as I still have so much to do at home if I'm going to stay with my mum from 37 weeks.

I'm hoping Joe will finish decorating their bedroom this weekend and get Teddy's old baby swing and bouncy chair down from the loft so I can wash them. We've only got milk and nappies left to buy so that's one less worry I have. 

I don't have a midwife appointment now until the 2nd June which seems ages away but she said as I have a scan at GOSH next week it would be silly to have 2 appointments on top of eachother.

I'm finding it really hard to get clothes to fit me now and am not having much luck finding nice maternity wear. I'll probably just about make do with what I have for the next few weeks and be living in vest tops and leggings. 

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