Monday, 4 August 2014

Update - 1 Month old

I can't believe Harper is a month old already. It's going far too quickly. She has already outgrown 2 sizes in clothes, and due to the hot weather she's not even worn some of them! 

The health visitor comes home to weigh Harper once a week, as we are unsure whether her immune system works properly they felt it best if she was kept away from baby clinics. They are really pleased with how she's doing, she now weighs 7lb 13oz and has jumped up 2 centiles in height! No wonder her sleepsuits don't fit.

She's still feeding every 3 hours during the day but seems to be more settled and go longer between feeds during the night. We've noticed over the past couple of weeks that she's had episodes of crying in pain that can last ages, we think she may have silent reflux as Teddy suffered with it although Ted would refuse his bottles - Harper doesn't and is taking around 4 ounces per feed.

We have our first appointment through for GOSH - 13th August, I'm dreading it as the next date we will get from them will be for her heart surgery. Even though I've known for the last 6 months that she needs it done I still feel so unprepared, I think I'll be a wreck once that date comes through. 

I'm so grateful for how well she's doing though, sometimes I forget there's anything wrong with her as she seems no different to a heart healthy baby. 

We've planned to go away for a few weeks during the summer holidays, it will be Harpers first trip away :).


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